
发布时间:2014-02-08 12:35:00



41. B。细节理解题。根据第一段“... because she enjoyed the stories her mother read to her before she slept, but she enjoyed bath time more, so she gave up her story time.”可知答案。

42. C。推理判断题。从文章第一、二段可知,Jasmine的妈妈希望她能洗澡时间短一点,但是她宁可放弃晚上听故事的时间也不愿意缩短洗澡的时间,所以她妈妈吓唬她说如果她继续这样做,她就会变成一条鱼,这样说的目的是希望她能缩短洗澡时间。

43. C。细节理解题。根据第三段“Then Jasmine’s mom came in to tell her that it was time to go to bed, but she didn’t see Jasmine. Jasmine’s mom was happy. So she began to drain the water from the bathtub, and then began to clean the bathroom.”可知,Jasmine的妈妈以为她已经洗完澡了,所以很高兴,于是开始放水、打扫浴室。

44. C。细节理解题。根据第三段最后“Jasmine cried and she woke up. She was so happy when finding herself still a girl. Never did Jasmine waste time in the bathroom again.”可知,是这个梦让Jasmine改变了长时间洗澡的习惯。

45. A。细节理解题。故事发生的顺序是:Jasmine喜欢长时间洗澡- Jasmine的妈妈告诉Jasmine由于她洗澡时间太长,所以没时间讲故事了-(但是Jasmine还是没改变习惯)- Jasmine的妈妈警告她说如果她继续这样洗澡,她就会变成一条鱼- Jasmine在梦中真的变成了一条鱼-噩梦让Jasmine彻底改掉了长时间洗澡的习惯。

【文章B】46. D。主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是路上所见的一件事情给作者带来的思考——锻炼对身体健康很重要。

47. C。细节理解题。由第二段“A nurse said that there was nothing serious with him but his body was very weak, which should be caused by overwork and less exercise.”可知答案。

48. A。细节理解题。由第三段“Under huge pressure, they put all their time and energy to work and can’t find enough time for a good meal or a good sleep, let alone exercise.”可知他们把所有的时间和精力都放在工作上了,不能平衡工作与生活的关系。

49. B。词义猜测题。健康很重要,白领们只注重工作而不注意身体,他们忽视了“没有健康,工作就等于零”这一道理。

50. D。 细节理解题。由最后一段的“I felt that every cell in my body was refreshed and I was able to have more energy to write the words above.”可知答案。

【文章C-要点综述】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了在Stockholm University Library中需要注意的事项。这里有专门的默读区、讨论区,有如何使用计算机、存储材料以及使用手机和带食物及饮料等的规定。

51. A 细节理解题。根据Zones中的“The upper floor is a quiet zone with over a thousand places for silent reading …”可知,上面的一层楼是学生用来安静地读书的地方。故选A。

52.B 细节理解题。根据Computers中的“…you can also use library computers, which contain the most commonly used applications, such as Microsoft Office.”可知,学校图书馆一楼的电脑里有做功课需要的软件。故选B。

53. C 细节理解题。根据Group-study Places中的“To book, you need an active University account and a valid University card.”可知,要想预订“小组学习的房间”,你需要先注册申请。故选C。

54. D 细节理解题。根据Storage of Study Material中的“When you have obtained at least 40 credits, you may rent a locker…”可知,要想在图书馆里有个衣物柜必须得达到一定的学分。故选D。

55. D 细节理解题。根据Rules to be Followed中的“Please note that food and fruit are forbidden in the library…”可知,食物不能带入图书馆,sandwiches是食物,因此不能带入。故选D。


56.D 考查细节理解。从第二段的“Over the years they have been sung and played in every possible way—from jazz to country.”可知,乔治•格什温的音乐作品是以各种形式演唱或演奏的。故选D。

57.B 考查推理判断。根据第三段的“Gershwin himself played the piano at the concert. The audience were thrilled when they heard his music. It made him world-famous and showed that jazz music could be both serious and popular.”可知,这个音乐会充分证明爵士音乐流行的同时,也可以庄重、严肃。

58.A 考查细节理解。从第四段的第二句可知B项不正确;从第四段的“When it was first performed, critics were divided over the music.”可知,不是格什温与评论家争辩,故C项不正确;没有提到他音乐风格的改变,故D项不正确;从第四段的最后一句“It still remains one of his most famous works.”可知A项是正确的。

59.B 考查推理判断。从最后一段的“Newspapers all over the world reported his death on their front pages.”可知,世界各地的报纸对格什温的去世进行了广泛的报道。故选B。

60.A 考查推理判断。从全文看乔治•格什温创作了很多的音乐,其演奏的形式多样化,并得到观众赞赏,这体现了他是一位很有才华,且多产的作曲家。故选A。


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