听说考试Part B可能被提到的问题

发布时间:2015-03-09 23:04:00

内容提要:2015年广东高考英语听说考试Part B可能被提到的问题

1 你的故事好像不仅仅是幽默, 是吗?

It seems that your story is not just humor, isn’t?

2 这个故事有什么意义?

What’s the meaning of the story?

3 目前世界上有多少人在说英语?

How many people speak English in the world today?

4 在中国, 学生是怎样学习英语的?

How do students in China learn English?

5 为什么你认为学习英语很重要?

Why do you think it important to learn English?

6 这部电影是以什么为根据的? What is the movie based on?

7 为什么电影会给观众留下了深刻印象?

Why did the movie leave audience a deep impression?

8 电影的新票房纪录如何?

How about its new box office record?

9 Bernard Shaw为什么被授予诺贝尔文学奖和奥斯卡奖?

Why was Bernard Shaw awarded both a Nobel Prize for literature and an Oscar?

10. Bernard Shaw上过大学吗?

Did Bernard Shaw go to university?

11 花多少天游览新西兰才够?

How many days would be long enough to spend visiting New Zealand?

12 如果住较小的旅馆, 每天要花多少钱?

How much should I pay if I live in a smaller hotel?

13 为什么他没有参加六月份举行的世界杯?

Why didn’t he participate in the World Cup held in June?

14 你对服务/服侍/上菜满意吗? Are you satisfied with the service?

15 是什么让您从一个普通演员转变为好莱坞明星?

What makes you change from a normal actor to a Hollywood star?

16 你认为寄宿学校对独生子女好吗?

Do you think a boarding school is good for children without brothers or sisters?

17 你要送你儿子去私立学校还是公立学校?

Will you send your son to a private or a state school?

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