
发布时间:2009-08-17 19:24:00

内容提要:第16届亚运会(Asian Games)将于明年11月在广州举办,志愿者招募工作正紧锣密鼓地进行着。对广州而言,这不仅仅是一场体育盛会,更是一改冷漠形象,大打友善牌的绝佳时机。年轻的志愿者们成了这项工程中最重要的一环! 

与此同时,广东年轻人的问题则更加现实。“我们在街上寻找志愿者时,一些人会问志愿者工作有没有交通、伙食补贴及其他报酬。”林艳芬说。 Meanwhile, for young people in Guangdong, the problem has been more practical. "When we went looking for volunteers on the street, some asked whether we offered transportation and meal subsidies, or they wanted to know what they would get in exchange for volunteering," commented Lin.

  考虑到当地年轻人都很喜欢港台流行文化,为了吸引他们,组委会还特别邀请林志玲、刘德华等名人前来助阵。 To attract local young people who've been affected by Hong Kong and Taiwan pop culture, the organizing committee asked celebrities like Chiling Lin and Andy Lau to help out.

  此外,组委会还创立了“志愿者荣誉”制度,以便给其一种成就感。依照该制度,每位亚运会志愿者都会得到一个评分,分数根据他们的服务时间长短从0到5不等。高分数者可以获得各种奖赏。 It also started a "volunteer credit" system to give youngsters a sense of fulfillment. Under this system, Asian Games volunteers will receive a score from one to five, depending on the number of hours they serve. A high score can lead to various awards.

  林艳芬说:“我们希望借助这个活动改善广州的冷漠形象。为了让城市显得更友好,我们甚至已努力推广普通话。虽然有些困难,但人们还是能在日常生活中感觉到有所转变。” "We took this event as a chance to change the indifferent image of Guangzhou," said Lin. "We even tried to promote Mandarin to make the city seem friendlier. Even if the transition was a little bit hard, people can feel a change in daily life."

  19岁的萧厦是广东外语外贸大学大三的学生,也是一名亚运会媒体中心的志愿者。他很赞同这种切实的改变。 Xiao Sha, 19, a junior at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, who had already volunteered for the Asian Games media center, enjoys the tangible change in the environment.

  萧厦说:“以前,我们要是在食堂用普通话聊天,别人会用看外星人的眼光看我们。如今好了,如果你去外面就餐,服务生会用普通话和你打招呼。地铁里的广播也是普通话的,这对我来说方便多了。” "In the past, when I chatted with friends in Putonghua in a canteen, people might stare at us like we had come from another planet, but now when you go to some restaurants, waitresses will greet you in Putonghua," said Xiao, who's from Shanxi. "And in the subway, the information is in Putonghua, which is really convenient for me."

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