
发布时间:2010-01-08 09:14:00

内容提要:原来美国人也喜欢折腾自己的文字"I've never reay pai much aenin  wrd an ff like ha,ell y   he rh. B hi i fn. I barey even fee ike I'm wriing."汉字有改革,英语也会与时俱进哦。

  原来美国人也喜欢折腾自己的文字"I've never reay pai much aenin  wrd an ff like ha,ell y   he rh. B hi i fn. I barey even fee ike I'm wriing."汉字有改革,英语也会与时俱进哦。

  Dynamic, sleek, and even sexy is how a panel of typographic and marketing experts described the 15 new replacement letters they unveiled in an effort to reinvigorate interest in the faltering English alphabet.


  "Forget everything you thought you knew about reading and writing," announced David Greenberg, 34, lead designer of the exciting ABC makeover. "These new letters are hip, fresh, and sure to forever change the way English speakers everywhere form their words."字母大变装工程的首席设计师David Greenberg宣称:“抛弃你过去的读写习惯,这些新的字母更时髦,更新鲜,并将永远改变英语使用者构词造句的方式。”

   According to Greenberg, the exciting new set of consonants and vowels will be rolled out over the next few months, and should find its way into most newspapers, magazines, and popular works of fiction by early spring.


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