Amazing Life Stories: Back-to-School Edition

发布时间:2011-11-30 10:22:00

内容提要:a special moment or lesson that shaped your life.

“My Life in 150 Words”
By Andora Henson

    My life in one word is easy — blessed. My life in 150 words is a little harder. Here are some words from the beginning; poor, afraid, abused, hungry, but that was only part of it. Mix in laughter, love, family, and adventure and the picture becomes a little clearer. Words have always played a big part in my life. Reading was my escape, writing my reprieve. School was my refuge. Fast forward twenty years and I still love words, family is even more important, but those first words have changed to happy, joyous, strong, and hopeful. Now I’m saved, set free, in love with Tommy and with life. Jacob is growing and Shelby and Haley soon became our daughters. Life isn’t perfect, it’s not supposed to be, but the love of God is and that is enough. Never give up; your words can change too

By Anne Sawan

    His name is Eddie. The big, tall maple that lived in our front yard. We named it Eddie because momma always said there was a refreshing eddy of a breeze that would come right around that tree in the sticky, hot summer. Eddie is in all our family photographs, the first day of school: “Go stand near Eddie so I can take a picture.” Easter: “Kids line up near Eddie. Quick, before you go get your church clothes all dirty!” Prom: “Why don’t you and George go stand over near Eddie? Ya’ll look so grownup!” Eddie was the home base for our massive neighborhood games of hide and seek “I gotcha ya!” “No way. I tagged Eddie first!” Eddie is still the first thing I see when I pull up to my parents’ house. A few less leaves, bending perhaps a bit more, but standing proud, delivering his cool breeze.

第1页 第2页

·Personal: Grandma’s Jacket02-03
·Speak out Your Love08-31
·The Unlocked Door06-02
·Today is a Gift 活着是福11-08
·走在自己的时区 Running in your Time Zone08-25
·难忘的出租车之旅 The cab driver I04-09
·英语美文:《飞鸟集》 泰戈尔10-04