
发布时间:2009-04-19 00:00:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

在《09年广州一模英语试题简析及后期备考建议》中,我谈到:解题技能是否科学对考试成绩有着很大的影响。因此,后阶段的备考应该在巩固基础知识的同时,加大对解题技能和应变能力培训的力度。只有既有基础知识又有科学的解题技能和应变能力,学生才能得高分。换句话说,在基础知识水平相同的情况下,谁的解题技能高,应变能力强,谁就能得高分。同行们也都认同我的point of view,并要我上一节解题技能示范课,今天就阅读技巧这一专题我上了节课,课后同行们有些启发。但我知道,还应有些改进,只是他们给我面子没说而已。



2)有待讨论的问题: A.前部分是否有点单一枯燥,是否应该展示具体试题实例。B.教师课堂用语该不该用汉语,还是全英或半汉半英。还是Speak English as much as possible and Chinese when necessary ?



附: (1)课件点击下载:阅读理解技巧解析.ppt




    Now, it’s important for the managers in a company to understand what their customers want if they are going to develop effective marketing strategies (策略). There are various ways of doing this. One way at supermarkets, for example, is to interview customers while they’re doing their shopping. They can be asked what they prefer to buy and then the results of the research can be studied. This provides information on which to base future marketing strategies.

It’s also quite normal for top managers from department stores to spend a day or two each month visiting stores and mixing freely with the public, as if they were ordinary customers, to get an idea of how customers act.

 Another way to get information from customers is to give them something…it also allows the managers to get a feel for where to attract customers and which age-groups to attract.

Another strategy used at some well-known parks such as Disneyland is for top managers to spend at least one day in their work…(安徽)



    If you ask people to name one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like “Shakespeare,” “Samuel Johnson,” and “Webster,” but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didn’t even speak English——William the Conqueror.

    Before 1066, in the land we call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups…

    But this state of affairs did not last. In 1066 the Norman led by William defeated the Saxons and began their rule over England, for about a century, French became the official language of English while Old English became the language of peasants. As a result, English words of politics and law come from French rather than German. In some cases, modern English even shows a distinction between upper-class French and lower-class Anglo--Saxon in its words…

    When Americans visit Europe for the first time, they usually find Germany more “foreign” than France because the German they see on signs and advertisements seems much more different from English than French does. Few realize that the English language is actually Germanic in its beginning and that the French influences are all the result of one man’s ambition.(全国)



    For centuries, the only form of written correspondence (通信)was the letters were, and are, sent by some form of postal service, the history of which goes back a long way. Indeed, the Egyptians began sending letters from about 2000 BC, as did the Chinese a thousand years later.

     Of course, modern postal service now are march more developed and faster, depending as they do on cars and planes fore delivery. Yet they are still too slow…

The invention of the fax (传真) machine increased the speed of delivering documents even more…

    The fax service is still very much in use when copies of documents require to be sent, but, as a way of fast correspondence, it has been largely taken the place of by email…

    There are advantages and disadvantages with emails. If you send some one an email, then he will receive it extremely quickly…However, if you write something by email, which you might later regret, and send it immediately, there is no chance for second thoughts…
