《美丽中国》BBC-Wild China

发布时间:2018-02-11 16:01:00


《美丽中国》简介 BBC纪录片Wild China《美丽中国》是第一部表现中国野生动植物和自然人文景观的大型电视纪录片,是中国中央电视台(CCTV)和英国广播公司(BBC)第一次联合摄制的作品,历时4年拍摄,使用航拍、红外、高速、延时和水下等先进摄影技术,记录了大量珍贵、精彩的画面。拍摄了中国56多个国家级野生动植物和风景保护区、86种中国珍奇野生动植物和30多个民族生活故事,展现中国自然人文景观。 影片从长江以南的稻米之乡开始,到酷热的西双版纳雨林,极寒的珠穆朗玛峰,中国的标志长城,中华文化发源地黄河流域以及蜿蜒曲折的1.8万公里海岸线等。分为《锦绣华南》、《云翔天边》、《神奇高原》、《风雪塞外》、《沃土中原》、《潮涌海岸》共六集(BBC英文版的名称对应为《富饶华南》、《彩云之南》、《青藏高原》、《长城以外》、《龙之疆域》、《喧闹海岸》)。 《美丽中国》曾荣获第30届“艾美奖新闻与纪录片大奖”最佳自然历史纪录片摄影奖、最佳剪辑奖和最佳音乐与音效奖。

第1集 锦绣华南视频时长:58分55秒



The first programme in the series concentrates on South China, where the climate and terrain is ideal for rice cultivation. The terraced paddy fields of Yuanyang County plunge 2000 metres down steep hillsides to the Red River valley, and are some of the oldest man-made structures in China. In a Miao household in Guizhou province, the arrival of red-rumped swallows signals the time for planting. Other creatures which benefit from the rice monoculture include little egrets and Chinese pond herons. Of the hundreds of caves beneath the limestone hills of this karst region, few have been explored. At Zhongdong, an entire community, including a school, lives in the shelter of a cave. Francois' langurs, a rare primate, use their rock-climbing skills to enter caves at night for protection. Other cave dwellers include swifts and Rickett’s mouse eared bats, filmed for the first time catching fish in the dark. Freshwater creatures are an important resource for the people of South China. The Li River cormorant fishermen now only practice their art for tourists, but at Caohai Lake, dragonfly nymphs are a unique and valuable harvest. Some delicacies, such as freshwater turtles, are vanishingly rare. Chinese alligators only survive in Anhui province thanks to dedicated conservation efforts. A troop of Huangshan macaques is shown retreating to the safety of the treetops when a venomous Chinese moccasin is spotted. After the autumn rice harvest, migratory birds including tundra swans and Siberian cranes gather at Poyang Lake.

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