
发布时间:2018-03-06 18:26:00



Q1. 你做过这个话题的研究吗?

Have you done the research about the topic?

/ Have you done the survey about the topic?/ Have you researched the topic? / Have you studied the topic?

Q2. 人们一般做些什么来减少压力呢?

What do people usually do to reduce stress?/ What do people often do to reduce stress?/

What do people usually do to relax?/ What do people often do to relax?

/ What do people usually do to relieve pressure?/ What do people often do to relieve stress?

Q3. 为什么压力可以是正能量呢?

Why can stress be positive energy?/ Why can pressure be positive thing?


Q1. 什么是改变坏情绪最有用的方法?

What is the most useful way/method to change a bad mood/feeling?

/ What is the most effective way to change a bad mood?

/ What is the most effective method to change a bad feeling?

Q2. 音乐有助于改变坏情绪吗?

Is music helpful to change a bad mood?/feeling? / Does music contribute to changing a bad mood?

/ Does music contribute to changing a bad feeling?

/ Is listening to music helpful to change a bad mood/feeling?

Q3. 颜色怎样影响我们的情绪?

How do colors affect our moods?/ How do colors influence our moods?

/ How do colors affect our feelings?/ How do colors influence our feelings?

/ How do colors have an influence on our moods/feelings?


Q1. 对你来说最大的挑战是什么?

What is the biggest challenge to you?/ What is the greatest challenge to you?

/ What is the biggest challenge for you?/ What is the greatest challenge for you?

Q2. 你认为每个人都可以被培训成好老师吗?

Do you think that everyone can be trained to be a good teacher?

/ Do you think that everyone can be trained to become a good teacher?

/ Do you think everyone can be trained as a good teacher?

/ Can everyone be trained to be a good teacher?

/ Can everyone be trained to become a good teacher?

Q3. 好老师有什么特点?

What characteristics do good teachers have?/ What features do good teachers have?


Q1. 两者之间的区别是什么?

What’s the difference between them?/ What’s the difference between the two?

/ What are the differences between them?/ What are the differences between the two?

Q2. 我需要参加每一次的活动吗?

Do I need to attend every activity?/ Do I need to take part in every activity?

/ Do I need to participate in every activity?/ Do I need to attend each activity?

/ Do I need to take part in each activity?/ Do I need to participate in each activity?

/ Is it necessary for me to attend every activity?

/ Is it necessary for me to take part in each activity?

Q3. 我怎样才能加入这个协会呢? How can I join this club?


Q1. 你的家乡离这里远吗?

Is your hometown far from here?

Q2. 回家乡的路上给你印象最深刻的是什么?

What impressed you most on the way to your hometown?

/ What impressed you best on the way to your hometown?

/ What gave you the deepest impression on the way to your hometown?

/ What was the most impressive thing on your way to your hometown?

Q3. 你现在更喜欢在哪儿过春节呢?

Where do you prefer to spend the Spring Festival?/ Where do you like more to spend the Spring Festival?


Q1. 你怎么看待穿校服?

How do you think about wearing school uniforms?

/ What do you think of wearing school uniforms?

/ What’s your opinion about wearing school uniforms?

Q2. 穿同样的衣服不烦吗?

Isn’t it boring to wear the same clothes?

/ Isn’t wearing the same clothes boring?/ Don’t you feel bored to wear the same clothes?

Q3. 你小时候穿校服吗?

Did you wear school uniforms when you were young?

/ Did you wear school uniforms when you were a kid?

/ Did you wear school uniforms when you were a child?/


Q1. 大学课程是怎样安排的?

How are the university classes arranged?/ How are the university courses arranged?

/ How are the college classes arranged?/ How are the college courses arranged?

/ How are the classes arranged in university?/ How are the courses arranged in college?

Q2. 你们大学会给学生提供出国学习的机会吗?

Does your university offer the students a chance to study abroad?

/ Does your university give the students a chance to study abroad?

/ Does your university provide the students with a chance to study abroad?

/ Does your college offer a chance to study abroad to the students?

/ Does your college give a chance to study abroad to the students?

/ Does your university provide the students with a chance to study abroad?

Q3. 你们大学哪个系最好?

Which department is the best in your university?

/ Which is the best department in your university?

/ Which department is the best in your college?

/ Which is the best department in your college?
